Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You, doin' that Thing you do...

The Thing 2011, while seeming to win over part of the general population, is being considered a failure on many levels by critics and horror die-hards.

One of the largest complaints I have seen in regards to the film is it's CGI effects. Almost every shot in the film that involves The Thing are in very amateur, unfinished looking CGI; a complete departure from the brilliant practical effects in the original. Another is that the characters have little backstory or personality, and that instead of building paranoia and suspense with the characters, the film devolves into little more than a creature feature film. These two things run very contrary to what I had heard from the cast & crew during filming. They promised they were sticking very closely in tone, and effect wise, to Carpenter's 1982 film. It appears they did go out there with good intentions. What went wrong? Maybe it wasn't even their fault.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

Well. 4 months since my last post.

Yeah, I just have a boring life. That's why I originally set out to have a review blog. It's so much easier for me to write about media I've consumed than about myself.

There has been no movement in production (as I am sure you can see in the production blog). I just have no time to do anything. My job is taking up most of my time, and the rest of it I am spending sleeping because of the exhaustion I face from said job.

My job continues to grow more tedious and stressful as I grow to resent it and stop caring about it more and more. My responsibilities there double or triple while my pay and the time I have to tend to them stays the same. I'm putting in countless unpaid hours a day just to try and keep up, and even then it is starting to slip away from me. I need a change in scenery.

I just can't help but feeling I'm throwing my life away.