Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oscar Night Twitter 2011

Alright, so it's been about a year since I signed up for twitter and started this blog. That means it was Oscar time.

I attempted to live tweet during the show, but my internet has been shit for the last few weeks and I kept losing my connection (It's fixed now though) So I kept typing my tweets anyway, putting them into a text file so I could post them here. So here we go:

-Looks like James Franco was re-enacting some scenes from Pineapple Express backstage before the show.

-Wow, Franco's Grandma got more applause than the hosts. Haha

-If Alice in Wonderland deserved any award at all, it would be for art direction. That makes sense.

-Inception, Cinematography. It was an credibly shot film. I probably would have given it to Black Swan though.

-Kirk Douglas…Wow, a legend on the stage. Hitting on Anne Hathaway at his age. What a pimp.

-I really hope Steinfeld wins Best Supporting actress. She was great in True Grit.

-God, Kirk, still sharp as a tack.

-Melissa Leo. First win of the night that I didn't really agree with.

-God, Ms. Leo, please be quiet. At least Kirk was entertaining when he rambled.

-No real opinion on the Animated short category, never saw any of them.

-My god, I really hope Banksy is there tonight.

-Toy Story 3, hell yeah. Definitely the best of the Animated Features. The Pixar streak continues.

-Social Network needs to win Adapted Screenplay. There is no other way.

-Sorkin's first nomination? Wow. Congrats Aaron.

-I really hope Inception wins Original Screenplay. I know Kings Speech probably will.

-Yep, I called it. = (

-Commercial Break Commentary: Man, Mars Needs Moms looks so stupid.

-James Franco in drag…didn't really want to see that.

-Supporting Actor: Bale should win. Rush will though.

-Oh hell yeah. Bale totally earned that award.

-C.B. Commentary: Super 8 looks awesome. Getting an early Spielberg (ET, CEo3K) vibe from it.

-Funny that several pieces in that tribute to scores were by John Williams. He is one of the best.

-Trent Reznor, Holy shit!!! I'm so happy!!!

-Hey, Mcconaughey is there, and he's wearing a shirt.

-Sound Mixing. Inception. It must win

-I'm still surprised Daft Punk wasn't nominated for Tron's Score.

-Marisa Tomei still incredibly beautiful. I swear she hasn't aged since My Cousin Vinny.

-Rick Baker wins Make Up effects for a movie where the director replaced most of his work with CGI…

-Alright, I guess costume design is the other award Alice in Wonderland deserved.

-Tim Burton, you're at the Oscars, comb your damn hair.

-Turn up Randy Newman's Mic, I can barely hear him.

-Chuck is going to sing?

-Amy Adams looks great.

-Taylor Lautner has something in common with Mcconaughey, he doesn't own a shirt.

-C'Mon Exit through the Gift Shop


C-ool, Billy Crystal is there. Can we have him host the rest of the show instead?

-Downey Jr. & Jude Law, work surprisingly well together. Great Comedic chemistry

-Inception wins special effects. A movie that actually didn't rely entirely on CGI? Well deserved win.

-The Social Network was edited incredibly well. Glad it won.

-Anne Hathaway in that red dress…Damn.

-Dammit, I cant get away from freaking' Florence + The machine. Her combined with the 'Jai Ho' guy? I want to stab my eardrums.

-Goopy! Man, not only does she look a little haggard, but her voice is not very good. People need to stop telling actors they can sing.

-Wow, Randy Newman is hilarious. That actually caught me off guard.

-C.B. Commentary: I think that Millionaire show was advertised during last year's Oscars too, but never aired for some reason.

-Aronofski or Fincher for director…

-Hooper? What the fuck?

-The wrong person won this year, for sure.

-Seriously, Fincher and Aronofski are two of the best, most visionary directors working today. This is BS.

-Waiting for The Dude to read Natalie Portman's name. It's inevitable.

-Hell yes, some justice after that director award debacle.

-I know Colin Firth is going to win this. I am not happy about that.

-Dammit. Bridges was amazing.

-I bet Kings Speech will win. In that case, the best film has not won. Go Social Network.

-Well, I am not happy. I'm gonna call it a night. See you next year.

That's it for now. I'll be back with some more stuff later.

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