Thursday, December 23, 2010

The day is here again

Well everyone, it's the 23rd. That means that Festivus is here again.

Happy holidays to you all, which ever holiday you celebrate this season.

I will be back, with more personal and production stuff in a week or so.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Computer Get!

I have my computer.

I first decided on the $1399 13-in Macbook Pro about a month ago. After a while, I finally bumped up to the $1999 15-in Macbook Pro, realizing that 13-in was a step back from my last laptop in terms of screen size. However, once I was in Best Buy, the dude started trying to upsell me on the $2199 15-in Macbook Pro with the i7 processor...

So I bought it. Yes, he was trying to up-sell me, but I didn't take much convincing to do it, I was already thinking that was the way to go.

I have my nice, new computer. I'm still adapting to using a Mac again after about 6 years of being Windows-exclusive. I really like it though.

Next up...Final Cut Studio.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Break on Through to the Other Side

I had a breakthrough last night while I was sitting down thinking about my series. I had a great cliffhanger planned for the end of season 2, but last night I thought of an awesome resolution to it for the beginning of season 3. Up until last night, I wasn't sure how I would get out of the corner I painted myself into with the cliffhanger, but this is just a great solution. I also added some elements to the ending that I believe make it stronger, more exciting, and somewhat more ambiguous. I like that, I am definitely keeping these additions.

So mostly my main concern is the beginning. I have all these awesome ideas for the 2nd and 3rd acts of my story, but only a vague outline of how to get there in act 1. Its quite annoying, I guess that will be my next focus.

In other news, anybody see the new EMH video, 'Damsel'? Holy shit that was awesome. The first time Jeff has been the bad ass in a video, instead of just moping around. If Jeff becomes more awesome in the upcoming videos, that may soften the blow of my favorite character so far, Evan, being a force of evil (most likely, if he is Habit).