Friday, July 20, 2012

I can't come up with a witty title for this.

I want to open with sending out my condolences to any people affected by the horrific shooting that happened at the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, CO.


I have always been a film nerd. Among some of my earliest memories is when I saw Lethal Weapon 3 in the theater with my parents. I have been a movie goer my whole life. Some times the only time I truly feel happy is at the cinema, experiencing a new film.

This morning I turned on the news, and what I saw has shaken me very deeply. A bunch of fans, extremely excited for the next highly anticipated summer blockbuster, were opened fire on unexpectedly by some lunatic. Lives cut short or completely changed, at a moment when they were happy and just expecting to watch a movie.

I have been to several midnight showings. I have mingled with the folks dressed in costume, discussed my fandom with them. I have sat in the dark theaters, packed with fans who cheer through the whole film. I have been in these situations, which are identical to what was going on in Aurora 5 minutes before the shooter opened fire. It could have happened anywhere, it could have happened to me. It could have happened to anyone.

People go to theaters to be entertained. They go for thrills, excitement, laughs, or many other emotions that the magic of film can produce. Most importantly, people go to have fun. This madman in a gas mask has ruined that. Not only has he so viciously hurt/killed people in that theater, he had changed the climate of going to a movie. Now people will not be able to go to a theater without the thought in the back of their head that this could happen to them.

I know the man that did it was apprehended. He will be brought to justice. All I wish is that the media would stop talking about him. Focus on the victims instead and provide a loving memorial/tribute to them. Just don't give this scumbag any more attention. He wanted to make a mark on history and you are letting him. I know that this film will forever be tainted by him and this horrific event, so stop giving him what he wants.

 I know this thing is rambly and shit. I don't care. I have a lot going through my head. I hate that its getting to the point where people can't go anywhere without being afraid of being shot now. I mean, a movie theater? Fuck.