Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bobbson Productions to go live soon.

Well, I still am not fully equipped, have no "staff" (read: friends that will collaborate with me), and I am doing nothing but camera tests and location scouting, but I still have an itch to get something onto the net. It's more of a fact that I want to have something to show off, and I think having this would also make me more motivated to keep working on it.

Anywhoo, the link is It isn't live yet (I still have it marked as hidden) but it should be soon, like within the next week soon.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ahhh Wii U, Killer Tofu.

For design tips, The Big N adopted the aesthetics of a tampon.

Yep, Nintendo revealed the follow up to the Wii today. In the tradition of having a stupid name, it's called the Wii U.

Really Nintendo?

Whatever. The thing will be full HD but will not have a hard drive, just flash memory (At least it will compatible with SD cards & USB Flash drives). The controllers will have large HD touchscreens and a camera. And they're shaped like iPads. Imagine trying to play a game on your TV and controlling it with an iPad. Nintendo also said they are somehow integrating motion control into the giant circle jerk of gimmicks.

Seriously, Look how uncomfortable that thing looks.

Yeah, I think you can tell I'm not impressed. It's hard to get excited for the same franchises again, just in HD, on a system that is even more gimmicky than the Wii. I got burned pretty bad on that one*, I'm not so willing to just hand Nintendo my money again.

*I haven't turned on my Wii in more than a year and a half. In fact, it's been unhooked for about 6 months now, to free up the Composite ports on my TV...for a PS2. = |