Monday, May 21, 2012

Walking around on broken leg.

I realize my last post was very fragmented with lots of really short sentences. I was sitting at the hospital bored out of my mind at the time, trying to write the post on the Blogpress app on my ipod.

Anyway, the day my dad had that prep surgery, the doctors told him that they would have him out by 11am the following day. He actually got out of there at 6pm. We hurried to the hospital for 11, and ended up sitting there for 7 hours. It was so boring. I also hate hospitals, so that whole time was hell for me.

Since we got home, my dad has been doing well, he's able to get around the house on one foot much better than I expected. He's pretty positive about the whole thing, although he is weary of how long the whole process is going to take. He has to have this contraption anchored into his leg for 2-3 weeks. After that they will take it off and put a steel plate and screws in his ankle and then put a cast over it. Then he has another 8-10 weeks to recover.

It's going to be a little rough, but he seems like he is determined to not let any of this get him down.

I'll be back later with a post on my new car I bought a week ago.

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